What Does A Private Investigator Do?

The services of private investigators are wide-ranging, but they all are linked around finding and gathering information on individuals to use as evidence in a case.

To get their findings, private investigators have a lot of steps they need to complete to reach the end goal. In this line of work, there are no shortcuts or loopholes. In this article, you will learn about the things a private investigator does daily.


Tasks of a Private Investigator


  • Interviewing

In relation to the information they want, private investigators get in touch with anyone related to the person or the case at hand. They probe each relevant person and record information if it proves to be valuable knowledge in the case.

  • Research

Successful cases are researched extensively. P.I.’s could go through personal or legal records in hopes of gathering more info to solidify their case. This information acts as a baseline from which they can evaluate their findings.

  • Surveillance

This is done for clients who need someone to be followed so they can uncover their whereabouts or what they are doing at a particular period in time. This may be done for criminal suspects or even on a personal level. A private investigator can either sit around and watch the person of interest or follow them around to know what they are doing. However, when it comes to surveillance, private investigators must stick within the legal limits.

  • Investigation

Private investigators may need to investigate a certain place or area. This might be done in order to gather valuable information pertaining to the case. In these situations, it might permit a private investigator to go into the field. They also may do undercover work to get personal with the investigation and discover more intimate or secretive information.

  • Present Findings 

Another part of their job is meeting up with clients to give them their findings on the particular issue they were sent to research on. This can be done on a daily basis or the stipulated time agreed by both parties to give them the progress of the case. At the meeting, the client can decide to continue with the services or terminate them. 

  • Working with law enforcement

In some cases, private investigators might work hand-in-hand with law enforcement and legal professionals. If they happen to uncover illegal activities, private investigators can inform police and, in some cases, help them to successfully prosecute criminals.




The work of a private investigator can be hectic, but at the end of the day, their goal is to get to the very depths of what their clients needs to know. The findings of a private investigator can often be the evidence that pushes a case into a particular client’s favor. P.I.’s are educated individuals who possess the skills and knowledge to perform a wide variety of critical tasks. All the processes they use are part of the job description, and they require extensive training and experience. Private investigators often come from varying backgrounds, but they have one goal in common, using the knowledge and tools at their disposal to help clients succeed in their case.