Infidelity cases are some of the most common cases that we work on daily. Since establishing Kay and Associates Investigations in 1992, our company has evolved with technology and how cheaters use it for their infidelity behaviors. When we started, it became very clear to us that cheaters are an innovative bunch and will adapt to new technology as it improves their ability to cheat.
From smartphones to Apps to social media DMs and Signal chats, cheaters’ tactics evolve with the rapidly changing social media landscape of the world today. What we have found is that while advances in technology have most definitely made it easier for cheaters to cheat, those same technological advances have also made them easier to catch; and we always catch them.
Infidelity can be one of the most traumatic life experiences. It’s hard to know what to do when you begin to suspect your partner of being unfaithful. Many people do nothing, hoping they are wrong, only to end up broadsided by the truth that eventually comes to light. Others try to do their own detective work and inevitably fail because experienced cheaters know exactly how to hide the evidence.
We get you answers
while you get back to your life.
Dealing with infidelity causes disruption issues in your personal and your business life which can feel overwhelming. Trying to find the answers and the proof of infidelity on your own is too time consuming, too emotionally charged, and often impossible for the person being deceived.
Don’t get bogged down with the stress of trying to do everything on your own. Kay and Associates Investigations has access to powerful databases and has the top experts in all main areas of investigations.
For infidelity cases, K&A Investigations works provides extensive service options:
- Obtain proof of infidelity
- Search for hidden assets
- Track down vehicles
Perform a wide array of electronic surveillance
If you are concerned that your partner may be cheating and have found your way to our site, no one does it better than we do. If there is a cheater in your midst, rest assured that he or she will be caught, and you will have the solid evidence needed to file for divorce, negotiate custody of your children, and petition for what you deserve financially.
Want to know how to handle your situation starting right now? We wrote a blog to help explain the way to make the right decisions, the right questions to ask, a helpful checklist, and how to handle your business in a way that will give you the power in such a stressful situation. Have questions? Call us at 424-284-8262
The Owner and Founder of Kay and Associates Investigations has been licensed and catching cheaters since 1992. Andy Kay is the most prominent infidelity investigator in Los Angeles, California.
Unfortunately, doing a good job often means bad news for my clients. We understand this, and handle each case with the utmost sensitivity and professionalism.
And quite often, long term relationships end upon the finalization of our investigations. However, it is common that our clients need our help through the ordeal, in helping them with child custody, financial asset security, and a number of other services to help them get their lives back in a calm and secure order. We are there from the beginning and work with our clients to help them every step of the way.
We stand out from our competition, not just in how we truly care, but also for the extensive services we offer that most other private investigators and agencies simply do not.

1st Step to Infidelity Investigations
Information Gathering
First, we speak to our client in-depth about their suspicions, concerns, and goals for the infidelity investigation. Some people simply have a gut feeling that something is going on behind their back, while other clients call us with some proof they have already gathered that their partner is being unfaithful. This is foundation of what we will use to create a plan for investigation and discovery for the case.
2nd Step to Infidelity Investigations
Depending on the timeline needs and goals for the investigation, we will schedule surveillances and/or begin online investigations immediately. The surveillance may need to span multiple days and even require long distance travel, of which we can accommodate. Sometimes, lawyers are involved and we have the needed experience to work with them and know what they expect for court presentations.

3rd Step to Infidelity Investigations
Support & Delivery
We update the client throughout the process and change tactics as needed. There is no set way to do any investigation and it must be flexible and change according to what evidence is being found. Some clients request oral reports while others may need detailed written reports for their case; we can provide either, and in a timely and professional manner.
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John Deo – CEO ABCWorks